quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009


The trip is almost over... I'm not going to talk about what it meant to me here... Thats something to talk drinking a beer >)

But I can say, 2 months backpacking, most time alone, for somebody that has never been to europe is a lot!

Now, it's 2:57 AM, and I'm in the Mallorca Airport, waiting for my flight to Nuremberg that leaves at 6:40. Why? The last bus is 1:25 AM. The good thing is that I'm not going to rush to write this post : )

It's hard to name a favorite city in this last 9 weeks, but for sure Barcelona would be among the first. I planned to stay there 4 days and ended up staying 7, almost 9 if the ticket to nuremberg wasn't so expensive on Friday.

Saint Jordi Hostel helped a lot... Best hostel so far. It's a party hostel. You don't have breakfast, but who cares? : )

Every night, they get everybody from the hostel, and from the others sant jordi hostels in the city, and take them to the best parties in the city (ok, it depends on what you like, but they try to be eclectic ; ) )

Last night there I counted 11 nationalities: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, US, Canada, Australia, Croatia, Cypress, France, England, New Zealand and Israel! And this is only from OUR hostel (I didn't get to know many people from the other hostels). And Ami from Sweden had just leaved the day before...


With her incredible loud sound system ; )

The first day I slept : ), and in the second day we went for a walk to see the Park Güell and the cathedral Sagrada Familia. The park is amazing. It's like walking on a dream

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Gaudí is awesome...

Many guitar players stay there, making it really nice to just walk around


This guy was playing Villa Lobos! Prelude No 2...

After that, we went to the metro


And then, Sagrada Familia


This Cathedral is under construction for more then 100 years! It seams that it will be ready in 2040!

Really impressive. Like it just came from the ground or something


But the other side, that is clearly newer, looks like some marble sculpture



After that...



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And a drink in the pub with the most important warning ever


Top, from left to right: A zombi never feels pain. Intimidation is NOT effective. Violence is the only option to scape alive

In the middle they tell you to run, and if you can't, the classic shoot in the had, not in the torso

And in the bottom one thing I never thought about : Do NOT set them on fire! Worse than a horde of zombies trying to bite your head is a horde of burning zombies trying to bite your head!

The rest of the week followed this mindset...


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And parties





This is the Opium Club night... Can you believe that they didn't let me in because of the ear rings? They told me I needed to remove them IF I wanted to get in, but, I couldn't because they are new (and I really didn't want to...). So, the guy from the hostel (Thanks Mauro!) called a friend from the inside, that came down to say that I should get in... un-fucking-believable...

5 from the 6 guys that work in the hostel are from Brazil! (ok, one is from argentina, but he lived for 10 years in Brazil, so he almost a Brazilian ; ) )

I think that this is why this hostels is so amazing! We know how to party... : D

And one last thing about Barcelona... Can anybody tell me what the hell these little houses in the ceiling are supposed to be?!?! : )


They are transparent, most empty and in the night they glow!

Is it some kind of house for leprechauns? Perhaps really fancy pets???

I'd like to have more pictures from Barcelona, but you know, it's not that easy to remember something when you drunk, or in hangover... >)

One last thing about Barcelona: They have awesome bus stops : D

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And last nigh I came to Palma de Mallorca. It's a city in Mallorca, a Spanish Island


It was one of the most surreal experiences of this trip:

First of all, 2 hours from the airport to the Hostel!!!


15 minutes waiting bus number 1, 40 minutes in bus number 1, 30 minutes waiting... Bus number 3. And after 20 minutes looking for the blood hostel, I found it.

The code to open the automatic door in the hostel was WRONG because they changed the day after they sent me the email. Luckily, again, some people was talking in english in the bar, and I figured out that they were from the hostel. They told me the right code.

Now it starts to become unreal. I couldn't find the keys to my room in the location specified in the email (the reception was closed), so I checked the booking, and I booked the room to OCTOBER 29th! And not September 29th! Shit...

Now what? I asked some really nice girls near the reception to use their mobile (you'll see why they are really nice), so I could call the emergency number in the email. I called, and the guy (really upset) told me to go to another hostel: get a taxi cab and go to Hostel Apuentador, in Apuentador street 8!

The girls just asked : We have a car, do you want us to take you to the other hostel? SURE!

And after 1 hour or so (we got badly lost.. hehehe) we got to the hostel!


Thank you girls! Thank you Marcos!

And after paying double of what I planed, because I didn't have reservation, I finally could sleep...

The next day, at least, beach again

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This city is really fancy..

A really old city, with really old buildings, and lots of expensive stores.

And thats it... I just slept 4 hours before coming here, chased the bus to airport. Why? This is the only city in the world where the name of the bus is the name where it is COMING from, and NOT the name where it is GOING to...


The name Aeroport is for the bus COMING from the Airport... go figure.

But fortunately, I got here 2 hours ago, enough to change check my bags (weight, liquid, pointed things in the hand bag), buy a coke and write this post! It's 4:28 AM now!!!

The chek-in is going to open soon... I better go to the bathroom and prepare to leave...

It has been a pleasure to right to you, and hope to do that again! Really soon! : )


PS: I'm in Nuremberg now, going to sleep... Didn't sleep since I got here! O_o

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