quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009

Amsterdam & Paris!

Ok, thats one of the last posts on this trip!

I'm not going to spend to much time writing anymore... sorry. But, that could be good for you! : D

In the last days in Amsterdam, I've been in the famous New Europe Tour

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I passed in front of the most famous coffee shop in Amsterdam, where the scene from ocean's twelve was shot, where Matt Damon freaked out


And saw the elephants all over the city, like those cows in São Paulo some years ago

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Went to a bike ride


This is a crazy guy from Norway that I've met in the hostel!


And this is the most awesome bike ever! It's like a chopper. It's really heavy, so you need a flat city like Amsterdam to use it. But besides that, it's really conformable and funny to ride


And this is my favorite coffee shop


And.. Thats it for Amsterdam!


Paris was really nice... The city itself isn't that fun, it looks pretty much like São Paulo, but historical and famous places, like Louvre, Eifel Tour, Notre Dame, Champs Elise (I don't know how to write those names anyway!), are really beautiful

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And when I was about to climb to the highest floor in the tour, a brazilian carnival or something like that passed by reeaaaaly loud

The view from the top is really beautiful

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Look the diference from the first floor!



The hostel was really nice

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Then... Notre Dame!

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Arch de Triumph

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And the Louvre! That is in my camera, and I'm not going there to donwload it now, because people will leave the hostel in 30 minutes to go to a party! And I'm going with them!

But I can tell that I expected more... The paintings are great (the monalisa itself isn't reaaaly beautiful, but they have lots of nice paintings), and the greek sculptures are my favorite in the museum. But they have many things, like Renascence dishes (dishes!) and furniture, that are just... boring.. >)

So... Look for the next post form barca, and then... perhaps one more from Berlin... and then...

Going home! : (

Shit... I feel like I could do this for ever...

But hey! I'm pretty much broken anyway.. hehehe

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009

Waveform & Amsterdam

Song Track : PhantaSystem - Telephonica (can anybody please tell me what she is speaking? I really like the music, electronic part, but have no idea of what it might be... >) )

And then, Waveform Festival

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After 2 days camping in Stratford-upon-avon, meeting people from lots of places in england, and sleeping under the most freezing hostile weather so far, it was really worth the trip. A little bit scary, odd, but really original psychedelic festival.

It was amazing finding so many new musics and friends in only two days...

Hope see you again guys!!

And then... After heading to london to find a korg drum pad (no, I couldn't find... ): Amsterdam!

Arrived yesterday in the capital of the Dutch people! Or is it Brussels!? ; )

This city just looks like a gigantic M.C Escher work


Who can remember the frame in my house? : )


I think that it happens because the buildings here are not straight. They bend to the front! Can you see it in the pictures?

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bikes, bikes, and more bikes... everywhere, from every side!

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Joselito? >)

And thats enough for 1 day and 2 nights!

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Tomorrow, Van Gogh museum, Heineken experience, Anne Frank Museum, bike tour, rent a bike for a day, and then...


I'm not going to post much from here because the internet costs 3 euros / hour!

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009


Sound Track : Electric Universe - Silence in Action

Chalange: post this in less then 10 minutes... I don't know when I'll have easy access to internet, but I need to sleep now. So... Here we go!

London... One word: Complicated! Or should I say: Busy!

Everywhere you look there is a sign, an ad, another sign with similar information, and another, and bikes, buses, cars, just crazy... This city is just too much...

This is Rob's place, where I'm gratefully living for 7 days tomorow

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Just by Thames river.

We've gone to the Greenwich Park, where there is a mark in the Greenwich Meridian


Thats me, half in the east, half in the west (duh :) )


We can't take pictures inside the museum that tells the history "of time, about precise mechanical clocks that made possible the division of the world in meridians...

So, going back, some dry apricots (damascos?)


This things saved my life at least twice!

And a nice foot tunnel under the Thames


Cool... It's really big!

At night, party! This is in the way to the party


And this is in the way back


Sleeping in the bus dude! :D

In the next days I just wandered around the city

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Picadilly Circus

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Hyde Park

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Oxford street


The tubes... All the time, the tubes...


and bike

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And in the last day, I finally did the free tour and went to the British Museum!

The change of the guards in the Buckingham Palace (that was a house, and is not quite impressive...)

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What is impressive tho is the number of people jumping over each other to see this! It's quite fun...


Like little plastic soldiers...


The famous guard that never moves


But the guide told us a history about somebody joking the guard so much, that he lost his temper and arrested him! Not before kneeling over hist back for some time until somebody came and stopped him... So, now you can't get too close anymore (We did get close to take this picture, but 30 sec. after that somebody came yelling and put the rope again)

There is one for tourists... : )


And then week walked a lot in the old london

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All the way to the Big Ben and the Parliament

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After that picture, I got myself a haircut :D

And went to the museum


One of my favorite items in this museum is the Rosetta Stone


In this stone you can see the same message written in egyptian hieroglyph and greek, and it's only because of this stone that we can read hieroglyphs today... Otherwise it would be lost forever, since nobody can read hieroglyphs since 400 AC.

After 3 hours and a few more interesting things like this temple from greece, brought piece by piece


(it's in the real size, you can tell by the railing...)

And this Assyrian God from 810 BC


That happens to be the God of Writing, with a statement that says : "Do not trust in another god".

Almost every statue, carving, etc, from the assyrians was fulfilled with inscriptions. Lots of them...

I finally went home. Not without a quick shopping in the super market to buy my supper


It's self service! You grab the food, pass one by one in the reader, put the money in the machine, get your change, then you go home... Can you imagine this happening in Brasil? : )

Here is the content of this bag after some cooking


Now I'm going to this festival, and probably to Amsterdam by Monday!!!


Got go! Wish me luck! : )